Weekly evening tea seminars.

Reading made Don Quixote a gentleman.
Believing what he read made him mad.

George Bernard Shaw.

Research seminars are every Thursday at 16:00 (4 pm) in a hybrid online/offline format at WGB231. Nierhaus colloquia (in commemoration of an inspirational ribosomologist Knud Nierhaus) are on odd Tuesdays in the same room. Up-to-date instructions are available here (restricted access). Current paper assignments are available here (restricted access). Summaries of previously reviewed papers are available here (also restricted access). We need to restrict the access in order to ensure the critical nature of the literature assessment. Schedule for any extra events will appear below.

The movie club is scheduled on case to case basis approximately once per month.

The seminar on March 20th will be in 233B. The seminars on the 3rd and 10th of April are cancelled.
